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Branding Work Life

The Story Behind Torro Media | Bull & Fox Logo Design Inspiration

2 Minute Read

Let's face it, originality can be as elusive as a unicorn these days, and finding the perfect name for a new company feels like an epic quest. With so many .COM domains already taken, exploring creative avenues for a unique identity becomes essential. This is the story of how we arrived at "Torro Media," a name that embodies the essence of our company.

The Inspiration: Bulls and Foxes

The name "Torro" is a blend of two animals, each with significant symbolism in various cultures.

We drew from Spanish for our inspiration:

  • Toro means bull.
  • Zorro means fox.

By combining these words, we crafted "Torro," a name that seamlessly merges the powerful attributes of both creatures.

Symbolism: Strength and Cunning

The bull and the fox represent a duality that is core to our business ethos:

  • Bull Symbolism: Strength, fertility, and abundance. Bulls are known for their power and determination, qualities that drive us to push boundaries and achieve greatness.
  • Fox Symbolism: Cunning, adaptability, playfulness, resilience, and guidance. Foxes are revered for their cleverness and ability to navigate challenges, traits that align perfectly with our innovative and flexible approach to media and marketing.

These attributes are not just abstract concepts; they encapsulate the DNA of Torro Media and the personalities of the passionate individuals who work here.

Early Torro Logo Designs: Bull & Fox Inspiration

Rebranding is very hard as there is so much that goes into repositioning a brand and entire company, BUT the important thing is to just keep moving. One thing we wanted to do was make decisions quickly as delaying approvals and overall feedback is always the biggest delay with new web design projects. We picked our current logo, however we've been numerous revisions to it over time when we found new color palettes, new fonts, etc along the way. A brand should always be evolving. That being said, we had some really good options as our finalists that didn't get chosen:


Alternative Logo #1


Alternative Logo #2A

-Torro-Media-Logo-Finalists-9-1 Torro-Media-Logo-Finalists-9

Alternative Logo #2B & #2C


Alternative Logo #3


Alternative Logo #4


Alternative Logo #5


Alternative Logo #6


Alternative Logo #7

Logo Selection: Embracing The Bull

At the end of the day, we leaned into the bull more than anything as people understand the Spanish meaning (although adding an extra "R") and when we verbally say the animal, it does mean "bull." Although we still carry some of the same traits as the fox inspiration, we felt we were bulls. We are bulls! 


Rock On Hand Sign

We also love the idea of the horns and how we can represent our brand in a simple hand gesture that universally is a positive symbol:



The Chat Bubble Connection

A lot of people don't even see it (unless we show our animated logo - see below), but the mouth of the bull is actually a chat bubble. This speaks to our services, our social media capabilities, and helps tie in our communication skills into our bull mascot seamlessly.

Hit play! Check out the logo animation!

A Personal Connection: Matt's Love for Zorro

Our founder and CEO, Matt, has a personal affinity for the fictional character Zorro. Growing up, he was captivated by the 1998 film "The Mask of Zorro," starring Antonio Banderas and Catherine Zeta-Jones. Matt was 11 years old when the movie was released, and the adventurous, noble, and cunning character of Zorro left a lasting impression on him. While this didn't play a pivotal role in naming Torro Media, it adds a layer of personal significance and connection to our brand story.


Embracing Originality

In an age where standing out requires a blend of creativity and resourcefulness, "Torro Media" symbolizes more than just a name. It represents our commitment to strength, ingenuity, and adaptability. It embodies the spirit of our team and the innovative solutions we bring to the table for our clients.

So, as we continue to grow and evolve, we carry with us the powerful symbolism of the bull and the cleverness of the fox, always striving to embody the best of both worlds in everything we do.

Welcome to Torro Media, where strength meets cunning, and creativity knows no bounds.

What are your thoughts on the Torro Media Rebranding?

Would you have selected another logo?! Let us know in the comments!

Matt Sullivan

Matt Sullivan

Husband + Father | CEO of Torro | Building the internet since 2007.

Matt Sullivan is a seasoned and distinguished figure in the digital marketing and web design industry, with a career spanning since 2007. Renowned for his innovative approach and extensive expertise, Matt has been at the forefront of the industry, building several startups and agencies. As the Founder and CEO of Torro Media, he has cemented his status as a leading authority in the field. His deep understanding of web design, SEO, digital marketing, and Google Ads, honed over more than a decade, has been instrumental in driving business growth and digital transformation.
